This is Roo the night we finally got her. She had been running around our neighborhood for about 2 weeks crying a pitiful cry all hours of the night and was distressed. No one could find her or get close enough. We would go out at night and listen for her. Hubby was leaving for work at 4 am one morning and she was on our front porch. She jumped into the landscaping. We even cut a tree down trying to find her. She got away. Fast forward to the next night…and here she is finally.

She wasn’t happy at first. She was approximately 8 weeks ish and alone. It had been heavily raining all week and she was soaking wet, cold and scared. She actually bit a hole through my thumb when we initially caught her.

I managed to get her into Tigger’s carrier the next morning. I had to wear oven mitts to get her out of the crate because she wanted to murder me and then we headed to her first vet appt.

She began to finally warm up to me at the vet.

Still curious

Finally relaxing a bit. Vet estimated she was 7 weeks old and she had gotten separated from mama. She was infested with fleas and tape and round worms but otherwise perfectly healthy. Just super hungry.

The same night after vet appt…she finally began to trust us and just wanted to nap and snuggle.